GaydarNation Talks to Jill Bennett

Jill Bennett in Gaydar Nation

Jill Bennett

Jill Bennett’s acting career started with roles in Beverley Hills 90210 and she went on to star in beefcake supernatural soap opera Dante’s Cove. She’s since embraced internet TV with a vengeance producing We Have to Stop Now with her partner Cathy DeBuono and videoblog The Violet Underground for, where she tackles a multitude of gay issues.

The sexy actress stars in lesbian romantic comedy And Then Came Lola and she told Rachael Scott about working on the film, what it’s like to be one of the few out actresses working in Hollywood and her thoughts on gay cinema today.

So how did you come to work on the film?
Ellen Seidler contacted me through MySpace actually! She sent me the script and explained that it was a low budget project, by and for the lesbian community. She expressed that they wanted to hire within the community, which was a big draw for me. The rest, as they say, is history.

What appealed to you about the script?
It was a lot of fun – no coming out story, no dying of cancer at the end. Just a fun, sexy story for women. We need more of those types of movies!

What was it like working with Ellen and Megan?
They were fantastic – they did their best to take care of us during the whole shoot.


GaydarNation Talks to Jill Bennett

Jill Bennett’s acting career started with roles in Beverley Hills 90210 and she went on to star in beefcake supernatural soap opera Dante’s Cove. She’s since embraced internet TV with a vengeance producing We Have to Stop Now with her partner Cathy DeBuono and videoblog The Violet Underground for, where she tackles a multitude of gay issues.

The sexy actress stars in lesbian romantic comedy And Then Came Lola and she told Rachael Scott about working on the film, what it’s like to be one of the few out actresses working in Hollywood and her thoughts on gay cinema today.

So how did you come to work on the film?
Ellen Seidler contacted me through MySpace actually! She sent me the script and explained that it was a low budget project, by and for the lesbian community. She expressed that they wanted to hire within the community, which was a big draw for me. The rest, as they say, is history.

What appealed to you about the script?
It was a lot of fun – no coming out story, no dying of cancer at the end. Just a fun, sexy story for women. We need more of those types of movies!

What was it like working with Ellen and Megan?
They were fantastic – they did their best to take care of us during the whole shoot.

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